After-Before Friday Week 5

During an excursion by the town of Manaure, in the Colombian Goajira region, I found this wall very interesting because of the textures present in it, produced by the typical erosion of the constructions set by the sea. For the edition process, I focused on highlight the textures and the contrast between the colors, in order to highlight that gorgeous royal blue. So, what I basically did, in Photoshop CS3, was:

1 Duplicate the main layer.

2 New level and curve layers to darken the pale colors.

3 New bright and contrast layer to increase the contrast and luminosity.

4 Softly erased the dark section in the window, in order to get back the detail of the man’s head inside the room.

5 New saturation layer to increase, a little bit more, the impact of the vibrant colors.

I hope you enjoy not only this but the other submissions to After-Before Friday week 5 Forum, hosted by Stacy Fischer at Visual Venturing.

Rhapsody in Blue

Blue is one of the most popular colors in the World. Being the color of the sky and the sea, it is generally associated with stability and depth. It is said that this color represents loyalty, confidence, wisdom, faith, and truth. Also, it is bound to calm and serenity. Furthermore, light blue is associated with health, healing, and understanding. Dark blue represents knowledge, integrity, seriousness, and power.